Dark Matter

Creative coding · java
Artist Statement
Creative Coding + Photograph = Motion

This project illustrates the effects of the human mind as a metaphor for dark matter. By altering this series into a program (using Java) the photograph I captured comes to life, branching into the world of automated programming. This embedded code represents natural waves taking over human life that appears to be drowning by a non-human interaction. Ultimately, creating a dynamic between what's real and what's not, while examining the 'natural' with the 'unnatural'.
Dark Matter does not emit light or energy, it cannot be seen directly, but can only be detected when measuring it’s gravitational effects. Dark matter exists in the universe, even though we can’t physically see it, it’s always there lurking in obscurity, beyond our ability to perceive it. We often become disconnected from the world and close ourselves up in a space where dark matter lurks. The most interactive parts of our brain are sometimes filled with joy and happiness, while other times they are filled with despair and sorrow. This is the place where dark matter likes to make a home, a place in the mind that cannot be seen directly, but can only be measured by its effects.

The code using Java in Processing:

float yoff = 0.0;
void setup() {
size(570, 800) ;

void draw() {

 PImage w;
w = loadImage ("darkmatter.jpg") ;
background (0) ;
image (w, 0,0) ;
fill(0); //color black
fill(0,0,0,128) ;
stroke (80,80,80,100) ;

 float off = 0;
for (float x = 0; x <= width; x+= 10) {
float y = map(noise(off, yoff), 0, 1.5, 700,100);
vertex(x, y);
off += 0.05;

yoff += 0.01;
vertex(width, height);
vertex (0, height);
endShape (CLOSE) ;  // Music: S.T.A.Y By: Hans Zimmer}